Monday, April 14, 2008

Gone, Baby, Gone

So Sam is now 2 and I can't help but feel terribly depressed every now and again when I look at him and notice he's losing a lot of his "baby" looks. He's slimming down, he's finally getting his "fang" teeth in and even his eyes seem to say "I'm a boy now Mom-get over it."

I just can't. For the last almost 8 years, I have had a sweet chubby baby to need me and now the last of my boys is ready to claim his freedom.

I'm sure I'll be fine, but I do feel sad knowing that I wont ever have a newborn sleeping next to me with sweet baby breath to breathe in. That is one of the most delicious things in all the world. This new stage of life with 4 rambunctious boys who juggle school, sports and saving the world before bedtime is awesome too. Moving on is just a little hard...

Yes, I know that I'm a little dramatic but they really are growing up too fast!