Friday, May 20, 2011

Eric's bday!!!

My big boy turned 11 today! This year he asked me not to bring birthday treats into his class. That made me a little sad. I guess he's just growing up!
The rest of the birthday traditions stayed intact though: he let me tell him the story of the day he was born while sitting on my lap, we had dinner at his favorite restaurant and came home to open his gifts and have birthday cake.

He got a new CD player (we're so 1997), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Billy Joel's Greatest Hits, Jukebox Favorites from the Fifties and a Slip and Slide.

I tried to take a picture of us together but I think he had had enough and sabotaged the whole thing. Here's what we got, me and my big baby!

YouTube Video

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Location:Eric's bday!!!