While I was in Sacramento with Ben, Peter had his "graduation" from kindergarten. Dan went along with Pete and took these pictures for me. I liked the graduation caps- they all had tassels, the kid's names, and "2008" on the back.
The boys are excited about school next year. I had considered homeschooling them but since I had the option of putting them at my mom's school, we opted for that. Home school is still in my head, but not so much in Dan's. I am trying to convince him that not all home schooled kids are bizarre-socially-awkward-weirdos and pointed out that there are plenty of those in public school as well. ; )
In the mean time, they will be at the same school my mom teaches at. In fact, Ben will be in my mom's kindergarten class! Kind of, he will be in the afternoon class and my mom teaches the A.M. class. She'll still be there everyday in the same class as he is since that's when she does prep work and helps out the afternoon class. I just didn't think I could trust her to treat him like every other kid not to mention weird parent teacher conference. I love this set up and that's why we've moved the boys from school. As they get older though, I would like to be in control of their environment and curriculum. I think there's a lot of unnecessary nonsense for a Christian kid in public school and with 4 guys, private school is far off. We'll see..