Thursday, November 20, 2008

Soy Adriana y soy una hija de Dios

I have been terrible not to post anything lately but it has been insane around here again. We've had tons going on and deadlines every week so it's just been difficult to find time for blogging.

Anyhow, the big news from this Primary Pres is that our ward just had our Primary Sacrament Presentation this past Sunday. It went sooooooooooooo wonderfully! That Sunday is always my favorite of the year; the kids are so sweet and I love our sunbeams who either barely whisper or scream into the mic with spit flying everywhere. It was a great presentation and confirmation of how important it is to raise our little children up in righteousness and God's love. This year the Primary theme was "I am a Child of God." What an amazing truth to grow up with! During this season of thanksgiving I am so thankful to have that sentence be a testimony and light I can always count on.

All the kids did a great job but now I'll brag about my boys. Eric did a great job. Every year he has his assigned part memorized right after receiving it. This year his part was very long and included reciting the 4th Article of Faith. He had it written out just in case he forgot it. He didn't need it but I have to say that I am so pleased with how well he reads in Spanish! He is so natural and reads just as well in Spanish as he does in English. For an 8 year old kid I think it's brilliant. Peter did a great job too. He is always super eager as he bounds up towards the microphone and then pauses to make sure all eyes are on him and then in his booming (for a 6 year old) voice delivers his lines with such dramatic conviction. He always gets a couple of chuckles because he always has a "moment". And then there is my precious Ben, who loves to wear Mr.Roger-style cardigan sweaters and perfectly parts his hair to look like he says a "mush-a-na-wee" or missionary. This little boy invited his entire kindergarten class to come and watch the Primary Program and had practiced his lines over and over in front of the mirror. Of course he did a great job. I am always humbled by his sweet spirit and I know that our Heavenly Father appreciates his diligence and obedience. I feel so thankful to have such good examples to follow.